Take advantages of Business Development skills & experience, buildteam, knowledge of e- commerce, digital marketing and understanding of market to become a Performence Staff and bring a lot value to Company, and customers.
Representative of Vietnam marketALIBABA.COMMay 2019 - Present
– Build team Business consultant partner Viet Nam
– Contact, Cooperate Export – Import Company become Globe Gold
Supplier on
– Organize tradeshow, meeting, seminar about import and export to
international markets, and introduce Alibaba e-commerce channel. -
Team Leader CAT MaketplaceTIKI.VNSep 2018 - May 2019
-Build team Business Development fashion accessory
industry, Development of Tiki e-commerce platform Maketplace for
fashion goods.
– Manager, report selling multi-channel e-commerce sales, analytic seller
performance to suggest marketing project with marketing team
– Exploit data customers: Organic, wordshop,personal, hunt data… -
– Analyzing supplier sales data, suggest Supliplier join Shopee’s
Marketing project: Flash sales, upgrade Premium Seller member
– Advertise products on media publications such as: Shopee Local,
Google Ads, google Affiliate, remarketing
– Make reports of sales every day. -
Business DevelopmentSEAGROUP / NOWOct 2017 - Apr 2018
– Business development, find nad creat data F&B customer, sales
software Nowpos at Mekong Delta, persuading merchains to cooperate
Now, surveys and customer relations
– Make reports of sales every day.
Recognition and Gains:
– Advertising products of the Company to customers effectively, top
Business Development within during months of working
Logical thinking and creative80%
Public Speaking80%